The Deeper Path

Zsófia Hajnal
1 min readAug 23, 2020

An imagined Buddhist short story

Photo by Engin Yapici on Unsplash

Once, upon waking from a dream, a young Buddhist monk turned to his master:

„I had a dream about a straight path. I was looking ahead, back, around, up, and down, but I did not take a single step. Is it a path I should walk, but am not ready for?”

The master replied:

„The path you saw was time itself. The direction ahead was your view of the future, and looking back, you contemplated your past. The surroundings were your thoughts of loved ones and communities you are part of, and above you was the world of concepts and ideas. When looking down, you looked at your own self. Next time you are on this path, try to close your eyes. There is another, a deeper path, unparalleled. It is the inner path.”

